Xin Wang

Xin Wang

Senior Researcher

Microsoft Research, Redmond

wanxin [at] microsoft [.] com

xinw [at] eecs [.] berkeley [.] edu

14820 NE 36th Street, Building 99,
Redmond, WA 98052

[CV] [Google Scholar] [Github] [LinkedIn] [Twitter]

I recently joined the Physics of AGI group led by Dr. Sébastien Bubeck at Microsft Research Redmond. Before that I was a member of the Computer Vision Group at MSR, which I'm still associated with. I used to work on core vision problems and design generalizable, robust and efficient learning systems. Prior to MSR, I was a Ph.D. student at UC Berkeley, working with Prof. Trevor Darrell and Prof. Joseph E. Gonzalez in the BAIR Lab and RISE Lab.

Embracing the new opportunities and challenges of large foundation models, I'm now more focused on understanding the emergence of intelligence of large language models (LLMs), building LLMs that connect various domains, and constructing personal copilots/assistants for the digital and physical world.

Recent News
05/25/2023: Releasing our third paper TOAST in the Top-Down Attention series of work. A flexible tuning method that surpass full fine-tuning for adapting LLMs and large vision models!
05/25/2023: Introducing Gorilla, which teaches LLMs for API calls. Your open-sourced, one-stop API marketplace. Join the discord community!
05/2022: Our work, VARS, a new visual attention formulation, accepted at ICML 2022.
07/2021: 2 papers on OOD and continual online object detection accepted at ICCV 2021.
05/2021: I started at Microsoft Research, Redmond.
11/2020: Selected as one of the rising stars in EECS 2020 by UC Berkeley.
08/2020: Co-orgnized the Women in Computer Vision (WiCV) workshop at ECCV 2020.
07/2020: Presented our paper on Frustratingly Simple Few-Shot Object Detection at ICML 2020. We find a simple fine-tuning approach can outperform all the previous meta learning appraoches for few-shot object detection.
University of California, Berkeley
Ph.D. in Computer Science
Aug 2015 - Dec 2020
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Bachelor of Computer Science, IEEE Pilot Class
Sept 2011 - Jun 2015
Professional Experience
Senior Researcher
Microsoft Research, Redmond
May 2021 - Present